On June 13-14, Bologna will host the second edition of the Festival of Communities for Change, promoted by the Associazione Rena.
The programme includes inspirational pitches, panels, training sessions and labs that will be held in parallel in 6 halls. The objective is to erect a bridge between communities for change and institutions, identify issues for debate and co-design, and develop the “coalition of actors,” the issues they address and strengthen them.
Fondazione Mondo Digitale Director General Mirta Michilli will speak in the panel on “Future Skills,” which will be held on Saturday, June 13 from 3-5 pm (Hall B - Sala Re Enzo).
3-5 pm Panel | Future Skills
Evaluation, Training, Merit, Transparency - Education Policy Systems
- Introductive Pitch by Francesco Luccisano, Head, MIUR Technical Secretariat
Digital Skills
- Chiara Ciciola, ASOC
- Enrico Nardelli and Giorgio Ventre, Programma il Futuro
- Marta Michili, Fondazione Mondo Digitale
- Antonio Danieli, Fondazione Golinelli
- Sandro Cacciamani, Bestr – Open Badges
Entrepreneurial Skills
- Letizia Piangerelli – RENA (coordinator)
- Miriam Cresta, Junior Achievement
- Maria di Saverio, ISFOL
- Paolo Ferragina, Università di Pisa
- Tommaso Aiello, Fondazione Emblema
The OECD points out that one of the main causes preventing young men and women from accesing the labour market is the abandonment of school and training programmes before individuals have acquired the adequate skills. How can we train them to face tomorrow’s world with its uncertainty and unpredictability? What competences are need to promote personal development, active citizenship, social inclusion and employment?
The European Commission has identified 8 fundamental skills necessary for any individual to compete in a knowledge society. A key role is played by digital and entrepreneurial skills, an essential basis for most future jobs.
The panel will address these two key skills via a scenario pitch on education system policy (Francesco Luccisano, Head, MIUR Technical Secretariat) and two rounds of expert speakers contributing to the development of this issue at the national level.
The objective is to move beyond the mere exchange of good practices and delineate the challenges, limits and proposals that will allow digital and entrepreneurial skills to firmly impact national education policy. This will be addressed by collecting concrete experiences, including international examples, which are recognized as models. The pan will share a vision and possible working directions for developing a policy in this matter.