Yesterday, the Tivoli Liceo L. Spallanzani held a special training course for 30 school directors (PON “Per la scuola” 2014-2020) held by Cecilia Stajano on the Lego Serious Play Method.
"I found the administrators full of energy and positive drive, determined to improve school and promote good education. They are aware of the value of networking and are open to exchanging views to share knowledge, strength and abilities, explains Cecilia Stajano, Lego® Serious Play® Trained LSP Facilitator and School Innovation Coordinator for the Fondazione Mondo Digitale.
"The beauty of this blend of virtuosity and humility is often found in the provinces. Maybe it’s the unease of being far from decisional power centres that helps bring them together,” explains Cecilia. “I found an efficient, grassroots school system here, a model that should definitely be emulated.”
In the first audio clip, directors explain the scenarios they worked on with the Lego Serious Play Method.
Ascolta PON per la scuola: sessione formativa con LSP" su Spreaker.
Cecilia Stajano’s interview with the Headmaster of the Liceo Spallanzani in Tivoli, Lucia Cagiola, is divided into three parts.
In the first part, the headmaster explains the role of the school as an education; in the second, local characteristics and the issues that must be confronted by networking. The third part addresses what the headmaster believes are the strengths of the school.
Ascolta PON per la scuola: intervista alla preside Lucia Cagiola" su Spreaker.
Ascolta PON per la scuola: intervista alla preside Lucia Cagiola (2)" su Spreaker.
Ascolta PON per la scuola: intervista alla preside Lucia Cagiola (3)" su Spreaker.