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The Future of Education

The Future of Education

The Future of Education

Today and tomorrow, Florence will host the sixth edition of the “The Future of Education” International Conference. The objective of the meeting, promoted by Pixel ITALIA, an organization with a long experience in training and European projects, is to support transnational cooperation and share the most innovative educational practices.


The conference addresses teachers, researchers, professionals in related areas and project partners from around the world who wish to share the results of their research and compare innovative experiences on teaching and learning methodologies.


Ana Lain, FMD Self-enterprise Projects and New Jobs Coordinator, will address the work session on "Transnational Business Groups – An Innovative Way of Developing Entrepreneurship Skills" (Friday, July 1, 9:00 – 10:40 am) with a presentation on the "Phyrtual Innovation Gym: Experiential Learning and Innovation".


Conference Programme


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