Today, Simona Michelon, a coach at the Fondazione Mondo Digitale per for Project She Means Business promoted with Facebook, will host a workshop on self-enterprise for teachers at Futura Varese (Sept. 13-15, 2018).
Let’s Design, conceived by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale and IdeaLab as an opportunity for everyone in the school and educational sector, includes a Design Thinking experience. This is a managerial methodology developed at Stanford University to creatively and efficiently design new ideas and solutions to concrete needs.
The lab activities organised by the workshop follow the five steps listed by the methodology and will be conducted in a collaborative manner. In particular, participants will be called to reflect on the key concepts of “creative confidence” (the basis of the methodology) and “idea.” Moreover, specific competences (empathy, information management, etc.) will be stimulated in each of the five steps and good practices will be shared.
Let’s Design – For a Self-efficient School
Futura Varese, Sept. 13, 2018, 2:30-4:00 pm
Stakeholders' Club – Stakeholders Area
Villa Recalcati, Piazza Libertà 1