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Francesco’s Story

Francesco’s Story

Francesco’s Story

Francesco, a Digital Ambassador for Project Make: Learn: Share: Europe, made the local news. The school attended by Francesco, the Liceo di Ceccano (Frosinone), shared the first communication by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale [Who Are the Ambassadors? ] on the homepage of their website: Francesco Maura, II H, European Digital Ambassador 2018. And the news travelled … [see, for example, A student from the Liceo di Ceccano becomes on of the 17 Italian Digital Ambassadors, Francesco’s Story (in Italian)].


"Francesco Maura, a student in Class 2H and a member of the R&D Group at the Liceo di Ceccano, has been nominated Digital Ambassador for the Fondazione Mondo Digitale, that promotes technological culture worldwide. In an e-mail sent to the school, the FMD wrote: student Francesco Maura, Class 2H at the Liceo Scientifico Scienze Applicate, has been selected for European Project Make:Learn:Share:Europe as a Digital Ambassador 2018" [...].


Francesco is currently at work on training his peers with the "Open School Unit" formula.

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