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Four Elders for Every Child

Four Elders for Every Child

Four Elders for Every Child

Today, Wednesday, July 18, Eleonora Curatola and Marek Rembowski will meet with the elders at the Nuovo Primo MaggioElderly Centre in Pietralata (Rome District 4).


As large as Frosinone and with as many residents as Reggio Emilia, Rome’s District 4 has one of the largest elderly populations of the city. The age index is 180.4 (the average in Rome is 163.8) and there are four elders to every child. The 11 elderly centres in the district organise activities for over 5000 over-60s.


The “Nuovo Primo Maggio” Elderly Centre is directed by Elisabetta Angelilliand is very active on social networks, including a FacebookPage with its scheduled events.


Today, the elders will meet with Eleonora and Marek to learn about Eurppean Project Inclusive Senior Education through Virtual U3A (ISEV),implementedas part of the Erasmus+ Strategic Partnerships for Adult Education Programme.


The objective of the 34-month project is to make education accessible to elders, eliminating barriers and adapting educational activities to their needs: learning independently from wherever they live, health conditions, financial situation and family or social condition.


Besides illustrating the opportunities provided by the course, Eleonora and Marek will also host a short work session with some of the elders to test the project’s new learning platform.


Over 300 senior citizens participate in the project and 40 were selected in Italy. Five of them will become coaches and tutors for the courses.




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