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Forum for Over-60s

Forum for Over-60s

Forum for Over-60s

The Fondazione Mondo Digitale proposed that the 50&Più Association experiment with the intergenerational learning methodology at the 13th edition of Gold Age. Four days of meetings, workshops and seminars on various aspects of maturity will be held in Venice on November 14—17 at the Palazzo del Casinò and the Palazzo del Cinema at the Venice Lido.


Participants in the forum dedicated to over-60s will be able to learn how to navigate and communicate on-line thanks to a collaboration with the FMD, which will organise four thematic workshops (one hour each) providing practical indications on the use of a range of tools. Nine students from ITIS V. Volterra di San Donà di Piave, coordinated by Prof. Caterina Fregonese, will act as tutors.


The labs are a small taste of the digital literacy courses promoted by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale with the Grandparents on the Internet Model, which allows elders to acquire useful skills for using computers and other mobile devices, navigate the web and use public administration digital services.



  • SURF THE NET: Advice for surfing the net: from connecting to searching for information.
  • APP & WEB: e-mail and instant messages: from creating an account to video calls
  • SOCIAL NETWORK: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram. How to manage an on-line profile.
  • MEDIA SMART: editing photos and video with a smartphone



Elders On-line, A Web for Elders

Pal. del Casinò - Sala Volpi

November 14 - 5.45 pm

November 15 - 10.45 am / 5.45 pm

November 16 - 10.45 am


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