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FMD at the Maker Faire


FMD at the Maker Faire

FMD at the Maker Faire



The Rome Maker Faire 2014 will be held on October 3-5, 2014. The Fondazione Mondo Digitale will be present both in the Kids&Young Area with a range of laboratories ranging from coding to robot competitions (see calendar in progress) and in the Fab Lab Area with the two winning projects of the Call for Makers, as well as an original all-female Fab Lab that is result of the work-school alternance project conducted as part of The Italian Makers with Inail Lazio and Cna.
Robotics Labs
   “Bee Robot” - primary school classes 1-2
   “We Do Lab” - primary school classes 3-5
   “From Games to NXT Competitions” - first and second degree secondary schools
   “Robot in Kit” (Building and Programming Robots) - first degree secondary schools
Coding, Making and Gaming Labs
   “Soldering is Easy!” - primary school classes 4-5
   “Scratch” - primary schools
   “App Inventory” - second degree secondary school
   “Develop Your Videogame with Arduino” - second degree secondary school
The world champions from RoboCup Junior 2014, which was held in Brazil in July, will host simulations and animate robotic competitions in the following categories: Soccer, Rescue Primary and Rescue Secondary. The soccer competitions will be held on a field designed and developed at the Fab Lab Innovation Gym.
Moreover, visitors and participants will be able to see the last generation prototypes built by students preparing for “RomeCup 2015. Excellence in Robotics in Rome – from Domotics to Artificial Intelligence.” Participating schools include the Rome Liceo Democrito, Liceo Pepe in Ostuni (BR), Itis Fermi also in Rome, Itis Volta in Frosinone and Itis Archimede in Catania.
In the Fab Lab Area, the FMD will present its Innovation Gym Fab Lab and the Maker Fashion Project: young fashion designers from the Rome Istituto Diaz, who thanks to the help of experts and craftsmen, will present a unique dress, completely developed with innovative digital manufacturing tools.

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