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FMD in Madrid


FMD in Madrid

FMD in Madrid


Today, the 3rd meeting of partners working on Project COMmunity projEcts for social innovatiON through intergenerational volunteering experiences (ComeOn) begins in Madrid at the Fundetec Office. Project “Come On!” Promotes active citizenship of youth and elders through intergenerational volunteering.
Today will be dedicated to an educational session on the Life Education Methodology with Alfonso Molina, Professor of Technology Strategy at the University of Edinburgh (a project partner), and partners and teachers from the five participating coutnries (Italy, Holland, Hungary, Romania and Spain).
Tomorrow will be reserved to project partners to draw a balance on the advancement of the various project activities.
The didactic material (already on-line in Italian in the Resources Section of the FMD site) will be published in the various project languages on the Platform, where all the course material is archived (slides, videos, tutorials, etc.).




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