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The FMD in Europe


The FMD in Europe

The FMD in Europe



The two projects are both cofinanced by LLP (Lifelong Learning Programme) and have partnerships composed by six agencies from four different member states of the European Union.
M-LEARN "Training teachers to use mobile (handheld) technologies within mainstream school education" is a COMENIUS multilateral project that aims to introduce mobile technology (tablets) into schools. It will be a challenge for teachers to think creatively and develop a greater trust in with the experimentation of new approaches and didactic methodologies.
Project activities will begin in October 2013 and will last 30 months.
   Titan Partnership Ltd, UK – lead partner
   Action Synergy S.A., Greece
   FMD - Fondazione Mondo Digitale, Italy
   ESHA - European School Heads Association, Netherlands
   Hamstead Hall Community Learning Centre, UK
   Bloemcampschool, Netherlands
ENACT “Enhancing negotiation skills through on-line Assessment of Competencies and interactive mobile Training” is a KEY ACTIVITY 3 that aims to contribute to the development of innovative content based on new technology. In particular, it aims to design, develop and test an innovative didactic programme and evaluation methodology to improve negotiation and communication skills in formal and informal educational contexts through a serious game with an intelligent agent guiding the user through the educational process.
Activities will begin in January 2014; the project will last 24 months.
   Plymouth University, UK - lead partner
   Aidvanced, Italy
   SAL - The University of Salford, UK
   FMD - Fondazione Mondo Digitale, Italy
   The Turkish Ministry of Youth and Sport, Turkey
   Fundetec, Spain

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