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Flipped Classroom


Flipped Classroom

Flipped Classroom



The Rome Città Educativa will host the first National “Flipped Classroom” Conference on Friday 13. The conference will be opened by Professor Emeritus Tullio De Mauro. Other participants include experts Castoldi, Ferri, Molina and Rivoltella, besides over two hundred teachers from all of Italy.
In technical parlance it’s referred to as a “flipped classroom.” There are no frontal lessons and homework. At school, students works on PCs, tablets and smartphones, while at home they can follow lessons via podcasts and video tutorials prepared by the teachers.
Flipped classrooms are now being tested in Italy, too, in an innovative, cooperative and inclusive manner that turns traditional teaching-learning concepts upside down. Flipped didactics provide an answer to the need to bring education up to par with new educational challenges, propose more involving and blended activities, including case studies and laboratories that can be more flexibly adapted to the needs of individual students and with particular attention to students with special needs.
On Friday 13 at 10 am, the Rome Città Educativa will host the first National Conference on Flipped Didactics organized by Flipnet in collaboration with the Fondazione Mondo Digitale. Professor Emeritus Tullio De Mauro, distinguished linguist and innovative didactics expert, will discuss the potential of flipped learning with teachers from around Italy, especially when integrated with the Education for Life Model.
The plenary conference will feature presentations by Alfonso Molina (University of Edinburgh), Pier Cesare Rivoltella (Università Cattolica, Milan), Mario Castoldi (University of Turin) and Paolo Ferri (Università di Milano Bicocca).
The day will end with a series of parallel workshops dedicated to primary and secondary school. Participants will be using their smartphones and tablets to experiment the flipped classroom methodology.
Moreover, in a European context, the conference will also welcome a group of teachers working on Project “M-Learn - Training Teachers to use Mobile (handheld) Technologies within Mainstream School Education” implemented as part of the Comenius Lifelong Learning Project. The Fondazione Mondo Digitale is one of the six project partners.


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