1 min.
Andrea (18) is one of the youngest participants in the labs organized by the Officina – New Jobs Workshop. In this short video, he tells us about his passion for technology and his enthusiasm for this new experience that, in just a week, has introduced him to new job opportunities ranging from immersive reality to digital manufacturing.
“This is a five star opportunity!” exclaims Andrea before getting back to work with a laser cut. While Andrea speaks, in fact, work is in full swing at the Fab Lab, the digital manufacturing lab at the Phyrtual Innovation Gym, one of the four options included in the “All4All” Track (see Come funziona l'Officina dei nuovi lavori – in Italian).
The Officina – New Jobs Workshopis a project conceived by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale and Google to promote digital skills and implement professional training and orientation activities for 10,000 young men and women currently looking for a job. The initiative has been organised with the patronage of the Italian Ministry of Labour and Social Policy and the collaboration of the Ministry of Education, University and Research, the Regione Lazio and Roma Capitale.