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“Feeling Cuddled”

“Feeling Cuddled”

“Feeling Cuddled”

The targets of Project Starting Back Up Together, developed in collaboration by the Lazzaro Spallanzani National Institute for Infectious Diseases (INMI)Regione Lazio and the Fondazione Mondo Digitale, are not just the younger elders (aged 65-74), but also the “elder elders” aged 80 and above. And in the case of Graziella and Vittorio, it’s not just about their birth date. They are full of energy and wish to help out. Thanks to this project that aims to contrast isolation of elders and introduce them to the use of on-line health services, the couple is followed by volunteer Emilio, whom we have already met [see news: 244 Years Old]. Today, we will learn more about Graziella Cardillo (80) and Vittorio Smiroldo (84).


Vittorio coordinates all the social elderly centres in Rome’s 1st District: a total of 12 centre for over 3722 members. Last November, he managed to successfully complete a complex operation: donate part of the funds for the centre’s cultural activities (remodulated as services due to the health emergency) to the Spallanzani Institute for research on Covid.


In a conversation with Cecilia Stajano [@Cstajano], Community Manager at the Fondazione Mondo Digitale, Vittorio describes what he learned over the telephone thanks to Emilio and how he will share this knowledge with the members of the elderly centres. Graziella, his precious life and service activities partner answers together with him, often underlining the same concepts. “We feel cuddled!” she exclaimed, thanking all of the “Fondazione Mondo Digitale” for their solidarity. In the meantime, Vittorio launches a call for help: an elderly lady with a husband suffering from Alzheimer’s cannot manage to book the vaccine on-line. Will Vittorio manage with Emilio’s help?


Ascolta "Insieme si riparte con Graziella e Vittorio, 80 e 84 anni" su Spreaker.

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