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Feeling the Community

Feeling the Community

Feeling the Community

We created the new #iostudioinsieme podcast  to collect stories about the educational community from headmasters and teachers who describe how their school is facing the health emergency.


Today,Cecilia Stajano, School Innovation Coordinator and Community Manager for la Fondazione Mondo Digitale, speaks to Alfonso D'Ambrosio, Headmaster at the Istituto comprensivo di Lozzo Atesino, one of the first schools that adopted distance learning.


What have we learned from managing the health emergency? What part of distance learning will we keep when we will be able to return to our schools? Alfonso D'Ambrosio’s answers revolve around the concept of community. “We need a professional spirit of sacrifice and dedication, as well as a humble approach. Communities are developed through trust and care of others.”


Ascolta "Il senso di comunità: al telefono con Alfonso D'Ambrosio" su Spreaker.


A test of creativity and critical understanding: this is what the students in the last year of first-degree secondary school will face as their final exam. Professor Valeria Greccio explains how the school is designing the final exam.


Ascolta "L'esame di terza media raccontato da Valeria Greggio" su Spreaker.

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