1 min.
On October 25-27, the Riva del Garda Congress Centre and Palameeting will host the Festival della Famiglia (Family Fair) promoted by the Presidency of the Council of Ministers – Department for Family Policy and the Autonomous Province of Trento. The latter has awlays paid close attention to the promotion of intra-sector family policy to help and promote families.
The programme includes expert panels, laboratories and workshops to address the role of the family as an impetus for social and economic rebirth.
On October 26 (11 am) the event will discuss the EU 2012 Year for Active Ageing and Solidarity amongst Generations. This is a perfect opportunity to promote a culture of active ageing founded on a society for all ages, based on solidarity and cooperation amongst generations. The national coordination for this year has been assigned to the Department for Family Policy.
Alfonso Molina, professor of Technology Strategy at the University of Edinburgh and Scientific Director of the Fondazione Mondo Digitale, is one of the speakers and will present the work implemented by the FMD for active ageing, digital literacy of edlers and social inclusion.