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Factor J in Brescia

Factor J in Brescia

Factor J in Brescia

Today, at 11:30 am, the first virtual classroom will inaugurate Factor J, promoted by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale in collaboration with Janssen Italia, the pharmaceutical branch of the Johnson & Johnson Group.


Over 60 students and teachers from the Annibale Calini School in Brescia and the Piero Calamandrei School in Codogno (Lodi) will meet with the experts of Project Itaca, a foundation of mental health volunteers who promote information, prevention, support and rehabilitation programmes for individuals with mental distress and their families.


The meeting will also address the Coronavirus and the effects of the quarantine – fear, stress, anxiety and depression - in children and adolescents, who are penalized by confused and distorted information that is not structured for younger people. The webinar cycle will continue in Lombardy throughout April and May. On April 27, students in San Donato Milanese will meet with the Italian Pulmonary Hypertension Association (AIPI). On May 8, there will be a major live event in which students will be able to pose questions to scientific experts and understand the emergency, so that they can face it with greater awareness and hope for the future [see news: Factor J].


In this telephone interview with Cecilia Stajano, the administrator of the Liceo Calini in Brescia, Marco Tarolli, describes #CaliniMood, a community-building initiative. He defines the ability of teachers, who are used to traditional frontal lessons, as impressive in adapting to the new situation to continue holding lessons. “They have used an incredible amount of personal resources to learn how to use tools and methodologies they had no prior knowledge about. And together we discovered the responsibility and social role of school. Now, we must return to school. We miss each other,” concludes the Headmaster.


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