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From Fab Lab to Market

From Fab Lab to Market

From Fab Lab to Market

The Phyrtual Innovation Gym Fab Lab has begun experimenting with the DeMaP Platform, one of the prototypes developed for teh Next Shop R&D Project funded by the Italian Ministry of Economic Development (MISE) as part of the Horizon 2020 Programme - Axis I, Action 1.1.3. PON "Enterprise and Competitivity" 2014-20 ERDF. The project, launched in 2017, will end in December. The main project hub is Rende (Province of Cosenza) in Calabria.


Fondazione Mondo Digitale makers have been involved in testing with lead partner Alkemy S.p.A. that presented the project in partnership with Ithea s.r.l. and ICT-Sud. And with the Alkemy Lab, as IoT Product Designer is Cecilia Lalatta Costerbosa, a young and brilliant woman who collaborated with the Fondazione Mondo Digitale on Project Women in Technology.


The objective of the DeMaP Platform is to provide designers with a tool to 3D print their creations and place them on the market with a registered supply certification based on blockchain technology on the public ledger of the Ethereum System, where purchases can be made both with traditional currencies and crypto-currency.


The platform is connected to a network of 3D printers that allows for distributed production of products, reducing the environmental impact of goods transport.

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