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Every Day is Important

Every Day is Important

Every Day is Important

Today, February 11, marks two important days for everyone working with digital technology as an inclusive and strategic tool for social innovation processes.


The Safer Internet Day (SID) was instituted and is promoted by the European Commission to reflect on the conscientious use of technological tools and active use of the Internet. Today, 150 countries around the world are “Together for a Better Internet,” the focus of the 2020 edition.


In Italy, today also marks the beginning of the Month of On-line Security promoted by the Ministry of the Interior and Generazioni Conesse (FMD is on its Advisory Board). The conscientious use of technology is a fil rouge that weaves together all of our projects and drives new challenges, including ethical issues related to the responsible adoption of artificial intelligence.


There will be nine labs during the week dedicate to the applications of artificial intelligence (Project Ambizione Italia for Schools). Younger children will attend robotics courses, while older students will be introduced to the principles of machine learning.



Nel corso della settimana sono nove i laboratori dedicati ad approfondire le applicazioni di intelligenza artificiale (progetto Ambizione Italia per la scuola). Per i più piccoli si parte dalla robotica mentre i più grandi familiarizzano con i principi del machine learning.



  • Tuesday 11 February, 9 am - 1 pm
    Istituto Comprensivo 'Ada Negri'
    Coach: Samuele Sciacca
  • Wednesday 12 February, 9 am - 1 pm
    IIS Maggiolini, Parabiago
    Coach: Samuele Sciacca
  • Thursday 13 February, 9 am - 1 pm
    IIS Maggiolini, Parabiago
    Coach: Samuele Sciacca
  • Friday 14 February, 9 am - 1 pm
    IC Futura di Garbagnate Milanese 
    Coach:  Samuele Sciacca



  • Tuesday, 11 February, 10 am – 2 pm
    IIS Schiaparelli-Gramsci, Milan
    Coach: Sabina Daverio


  • Wednesday 12 February, 9 am - 1 pm
    IC Viale dei Consoli
    Coach: Federica Pellegrini
  • Thursday 13 February, 9 am - 1 pm
    IIS Lombardo Radice
    Coach: Lara Fogione
  • Friday 14 February, 9 am - 1 pm
    IIS Buonarroti, Frascati
    Coach: Fiammetta Castagnini



  • Tuesday 11 February, 10 am – 2 pm
    ITCS Schiaparelli-Gramsci, Milan
    Coach: Sabina Daverio


Today is also the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, a recurrence established by the United Nations to incentivise the equal access of women to science, promote gender equality and reach full equality in scientific careers.


It is an important challenge that sees us committed with the Coding Girls Movement and Programme, promoted with the United States Embassy in Italy in collaboration with Microsoft Italy. The sixth edition of the tour (Nov. 5-22, 2019) involved over 10,000 students from 14 Italian cities [also see:].

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