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Europe at Lampedusa

Europe at Lampedusa

Europe at Lampedusa

The IIS Leonardo Da Vinci School in Rome, directed by Irene de Angelis Curtis, is one of the 30 Italian schools that participated in the second edition of the "Europe Begins Lampedusa" event that will be held on the island that has become a symbol of migrant acceptance from September 30 to October 3.


Together with 200 students from all over Italy, as well as Austria, France, Malta and Spain, this year, there will also be the President of the Italian Senate, Pietro Grasso, and the Italian Minister of Education, University and Research, Valeria Fedeli.


In particular, “the Italian Minister of Education, University and Research aims to kindle acceptance in Italian and European schools and to celebrate the Day of Memory and Acceptance will bring over 200 students to Lampedusa on October 3 to speak about migration and meet with survivors.” In fact, four years ago, 368 migrants lost their lives in one of the greatest tragedies in the Mediterranean right in front of the coasts of Lampedusa.


Participating schools were selected through the "Europe Begins Lampedusa" Competition for European students aged 16-18 (third/fourth year students in second-degree secondary school) who produced articles, drawings, photographs, videos and other multimedia products [see news Winning Schools].


Students at IIS Da Vinci, coordinated by Prof. Maria Sofia Sessa, will present a video entitled "A True Story: Our Story," narrating their experience with Project Co-Host, financed by Microsoft Philanthrophies and promoted by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale and Microsoft. Project Co-Host is based on the Three-Element Welcome Formula to simplify and accelerate the processes of social integration and inclusion, creating a strategic alliance between schools and SPRAR Centres. Schools become a hub for the education and integration of immigrants and refugees, with students acting as digital, social and cultural facilitators.


Follow the event on social media with hashtag #EuropaLampedusa17.



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