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With the Educational Community

With the Educational Community

With the Educational Community

Since schools were closed down for the Covid-19 health emergency, we activated an educational channel and various support actions to help all professors and teachers with limited technological know-how and guarantee the right to education. Moreover, we employed webinars, on-line resources and other tools to keep social innovation projects going, enrich the types of courses provide by schools and strengthen the role of the educational community.


Some schools have already been experimenting with mixed frontal and distance learning for years thanks to the flipped classroom methodology. Others instead were caught by surprise by the suspension of lessons to contain the diffusion of the Coronavirus and had a hard time following the MIUR indications to continue didactic activities with distance learning.


We provided our experience to the entire educational community: courses and on-line resources, a digital helpdesk, access to messaging channels, and a blog to share information, stories and ideas for schools, distance learning and smart working. There are many stories from teachers and school administrators who were committed not to leave anyone behind.


And these are the numbers of what we fielded during the months of the health emergency:


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