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Education on Development

Education on Development


“The future of a country, of a nation, is based on the training and education of its children,” affirms Dominique Awono Essama, Cameroon Ambassador to Italy, in an interview with the Fondazione Mondo Digitale for the celebrations for the unification of Cameroon (May 20th).



The event, held on May 23 at the prestigious Crowne Plaza Hotel on Via Aurelia Antica, attracted hundreds of people, including many of the diplomats and Cameroon citizens residing in Rome. And, as the Ambassador pointed out in his address, many of the Italian friends of Cameroon.
Naturally, a full delegation from the Project Digital Bridge, A Technological Bridge with Cameroon was there. LATS Director Martin Nkafu (who also provided a simultaneous translation during the short interview with the diplomat) also made it possible for representatives from schools and the Fondazione Mondo Digitale to meet the Ambassador, who was given informational material on the cooperation project.
The Ambassador was interested and grateful for the international cooperation and cultural exchanges taking place between the two countries. Project Digital Bridge, however, is already well-known by the Cameroon community in Rome and many of its members complimented Alessio Neri and Francesca Del Duca who represented the Fondazione Mondo Digitale, the project lead partner, at the event.
With the closing of the school year and the second phase of the project nearly completed, the relationship between the Roman school community and that of the Region of Fontem in Cameroon has become fully consolidated and will continue to improve in the future.



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