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Education and Change

Education and Change

Education and Change

The last issue of the "Formazione & cambiamento" (Education and Change) trimestral review on learning theory and practice is dedicated to the innovative experiences accrued during hte pandemic.


The objective is to “present the good practices that are born from learning experiences in school, enterprise, associations, third sector, public administration and social life in our country,” explain Giusi Miccoli and Vindice Deplano in the editorial. “Experiences born from a crisis and that were transformed into opportunities for innovation by placing learners at the centre of the learning experience and using methodologies and technology as support tools.”


In the pages dedicated to schools, the review also includes an article by Mirta Michilli, Director General of the Fondazione Mondo Digitale.


School in Emergency: We Need Vision and Strategy (in Italian)

by Mirta Michilli        


N. 16/2020 - Storie di apprendimento e innovazione nella pandemia


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