Project “SI FORMA” on inclusive services for education officially kicks off today (Thursday, October 20) at the Pescara Department for Health and Welfare of the Regione Abruzzo, the project lead partner. This is the first operative meeting of the project partners: the Abbruzzo Regional School Department, Fondazione Mondo Digitale, CPIA L'Aquila, CPIA Province of Teramo and CPIA Pescara-Chieti. The project is financed by the Fondo Fami (2016 - 2018).
Project “SI FORMA” on inclusive services for education will last 19 months to promote the development of linguistic, civic and cultural skills amongst foreign citizens residing in Abruzzo to favour their full and satisfactory social integration.
In terms of governance and system, the project aims to develop a regional plan for the civic-linguistic education in the Regione Abruzzo. Moreover, it promotes the following objectives amongst third-country nationals and international, subsidiary and humanitarian protection subjects in Abruzzo:
- Consolidate and amplify the operational regional system and network for the civic-linguistic education of citizens, in continuity with the projects implemented over 2012-2015;
- Provide support to the acquisition of the Italian language at no less than the QCER A2 level;
- Provide knowledge on civic culture and life in Italy;
- Provide knowledge and skills to promote the acquisition of documents, licenses, certifications and access to the job market;
- Provide illiterate or poorly educated citizens with the opportunity to study and learn the Italian language (level pre-A1) and facilitate their access to educational opportunities;
- Provide, in agreement with the experimental protocol, support to learn Italian (at least QCER B1 level);
- Promote access to educational services by the most disadvantaged beneficiaries through the provision of services that help them attend courses and integrate their studies;
- Provide new didactic material, which can also be used remotely;
- Update CPIA teacher skills for teaching language and civic culture thanks to the use of multimedia.
In particular, project activities will implement:
- 17 modular literacy and Italian language tracks (200-hour cycles, including welcome, orientation and assessment activities), including 17 A1-level modules and 17 A2-level modules, for a total of 34 courses;
- 13 language courses (pre-A1 level);
- 6 language courses (B1 level);
- 4 proximity courses in remote areas of the Province of Teramo;
- 2 professional didactic updating courses for teachers
The project will reach out to no less than 500 third-country citizens and international, subsidiary and humanitarian protection subjects and to at least 600 more beneficiaries in terms of related services.