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Edu Day a Matera

Edu Day a Matera

Edu Day a Matera

On Monday, April 8, the Fondazione Mondo Digitale will transform Matera into the capital of digital culture with the launch of the new lab on artificial intelligence, a new tool for Programme Ambizione Italia for Schools, and the inclusion of the Istituto d’istruzione superiore G. B. Pentasuglia in the network of educational hubs. 


Microsoft has chosen Matera, European capital of culture, for the fourth edition of the Edu Day (Monday, April 8, 2019), an entire day dedicated to meetings and discussions on innovation in school and the promotion of digital culture in Italy. The event, organized in partnership with USR Basilicata, will include successful experiences that are transforming schools and learning centres and Programme Ambizione Italia for Schools, promoted by students and teachers with the Fondazione Mondo Digitale.


During the plenary session (10 am – 1 pm) at the Communal Theatre in Matera, Silvia Candiani, CEO Microsoft Italy, will involve two teams of young men and women who have developed prototypes to improve life quality: Dalt-ino, designed by students at G. Marconi in Catania, helps colour-blind individuals to distinguish colour, while the Climate Robot developed at the Liceo Spallanzani in Tivoli is equipped with sensors and motors to measure the temperature, humidity and air quality, and identify any toxic substances.


Siliva Candiani will then invite a special character up on stage: Arin, the mascot of the first on-line lab on artificial intelligence for Italian schools. Through four lab modules, available for free on the website of the Fondazione Mondo Digitale, Arin will reveal how artificial intelligence learns and involve students in interesting practical exercises.


Throughout the day, Fondazione Mondo Digitale Coaches Giorgia Di TommasoValentina Gelsomini and Mohamed Fadiga will hold labs on artificial intelligence at the Istituto comprensivo Torraca: during the morning (9.15 - 12.45 am) for students and during the afternoon (2.15 - 5.45 pm) for teachers.  


During the course of the school year, labs will continue at the Istituto d’istruzione superiore G. B Pentasuglia, directed by Antonio Epifania. In fact, the school has become one of the educational hubs that aim to involve 250,000 students, with a particular focus on young women and individuals at a disadvantage (educational poverty, suburbs, rural areas, etc.), and 25,000 teachers and educators. All activities will be reported on in our blog.


Event Programme


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