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E-skills Excellence


E-skills Excellence

E-skills Excellence


Amongst all the schools that participated in the voucher campaign promoted by Microsoft and Telecentre Europe, in collaboration with the Fondazione Mondo Digitale and Tesi Automazione, the Istituto d’istruzione secondaria superiore Silvio D'Arzo in Montecchio Emilia used more vouchers than all others, taking 233 exams with a success rate of 77% (179 successul certifications awarded).
Francesco Gioffreda, IT assistant, is one of the eight teachers who received Microsoft Certification. Interviewed by Ana Lain (FMD School Innovation Area), Gioffreda defined his experience as “exhilarating” both personally and didactically.
“The greatest satisfaction was seeing how passionate the students were about this opportunity to certifiy their abilities not only to receive a certificate, but also for the curiosity of discovering new tools they had never explored before.”
The students immediately tested the new skills they acquired during their end-of-year internship. The companies appreciated their enthusiasm and assessed their new skills as possible future collaborators very positively.
“There is no greater satisfaction for a teacher,” emphasizes Prof. Gioffreda, “than seeing one’s students so enthusiastic about learning activities.”
Twenty schools from seven Italian regions participated in the voucher campaign. Overall, 1445 vouchers were requested: 930 for the Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) Certification (also valid as university credit and points for public calls) and the Microsoft Technology Associate (MTA) Certification, that attests IT skills that are highly sought by the job market.

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