Today and tomorrow, the Anti-bullying Centre at the University of Dublin will host a project meeting for the COST - Transnational Collaboration on Bullying, Migration and Integration at School Level (TRIBES) Action. Project TRIBES is a multidisciplinary initiative that involves 13 countries, including Ireland as the leading country. Professors James O'Higgins Norman (Anti-bullying Centre) and Hildegunn Fandrem (University of Stavanger, Norway) were elected President and Vice-President of the project by partner countries.
The project is based on networks for collaboration, promotion, sharing and knowledge support. Research work is carried out in a collaborative manner by six work groups.
The Fondazione Mondo Digitale will be represented by Prof. Anna Lisa Amodeo, Researcher at the “Federico II” University of Naples, and Annaleda Mazzucato, at the worktable on Media, Cyberbullying and On-line Security.