Project A Key Access to the EU Rights – EUReKA promoted a series to tools to facilitate the internal mobility of EU citizens within the European Union. These tools include the “Key4Mobility” app that allows users to acquire useful information, both before and after leaving, to all EU citizens who intend to move within Europe.
You can help us promote this invaluable application, and not just by downloading it, but also forwarding it to your network of contacts.
Through December 15, everyone who downloads the app will be able to download (for free) the full pdf versions of the last report on immigration (Dossier Statistico Immigrazione 2021), as well as two further works: L’Europa dei talenti and L’Integrazione dimenticata. Just send the screenshot of the downloaded app to and you will receive the free link to download the works.
Visit EUReKA Portal and download the Key4Mobility app, give us your feedback and promote EUReKA’s digital tools!
- EUReKA Portal (multilingual, including Italian)
- Key4Mobility APP (multilingual, including Italian)
- Manual on Best Digital Practices: EU Mobile Citizens Go Digital 2.0
For further information:
Digital citizenship is key to EU Mobility: Orientation Tools (in Italian)
Free circulation within the EU is not always a linear process. The difficulties are not posed as much by legislation as by the actual access to essential information on rights and procedures to enjoy them. The Key4mobility portal and app aim to solve the concrete problems of individuals.
by Antonio Ricci
Agenda digitale, Oct. 6, 2021
Project EUReKA - A Key Access to EU Rights is funded by the European Rights, Equality and Citizenship – REC Programme (GA826666). The project is coordinated by Centro Studi e Ricerche Idos. The EU Mobile Citizens Go Digital handbook, the portal and the Key4mobility app were produced by the partnership, which includes Italian partners (ACLI Italia and Patronato ACLI, Fondazione Mondo Digitale, ANCI Lazio), German partners (acli e.V., the ACLI office in Germany), Romanian partners (Institutul European din Romania, Novapolis, Cartel ALFA), Croatian partners (Zagreb Grad), and French and Portuguese partners (Tandem Plus).