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The Fondazione Mondo Digitale will participate in the Rome Maker Faire 2014 (October 3-5, Auditorium Parco della Musica), hosting workshops in the Kids&Young Area and participating in the conferences.
Today, Friday October 3, the day begins at 10 am with a workshop on "Youth Enterprise and Digital Craftsmanship" introduced by Alfonso Molina, Professor of Technology Strategy at the University of Edinburgh and Scientific Director of the Fondazione Mondo Digitale.
• Workshop: Youth Enterprise and Digital Craftsmanship
The Press Release
The Fondazione Mondo Digitale will present a series of activities conceived for the Phyrtual Innovation Gym at the Rome Maker Faire 2014. These include 18 workshops on coding, making and gaming in the Kids&Young Area and two projects - Soccer Pitch and Maker Fashion – in the Fab Lab Area. The most glamorous event will be the fashion show with the exclusive dress designed by the young fashionistas at the Diaz School in Rome with the supervision of the Antica Sartoria Borghetti. This original, all-female digital manufacturing experience was part of “The Italian Makers” Project, coordinated by the FMD in collaboration with Inail Lazio and Cna.
Friday, October 3, 10:00 am – “Youth Enterprise and Digital Craftsmanship” Workshop with Alfonso Molina
The idea of transforming school laboratories into Innovation Gyms was launched by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale last March at the inauguration of the Phyrtual Fab Lab, the first digital manufacturing lab in Rome based on MIT’s Center for Bits and Atoms. Moreover, this idea was also inserted in a report (La buona scuola) elaborated by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research: “today, laboratories must be conceived as innovation gyms, capable of stimulating creative abilities and problem solving skills in students.”
Alfonso Molina, Professor of Technology Strategy at the University of Edinburgh and Scientific Director of the Fondazione Mondo Digitale, believes that the Phyrtual Innovation Gym is a is a strategic model for developing education as it provides a place in which to experiment with Life Education (knowledge, competences and values). It is a place where to practice open innovation and plan change based on the principles of social innovation to address the crucial challenges of the 21st Century, starting with youth unemployment.
These issues will be analysed through the concrete model of the Phyrtual Innovation Gym, conceived and developed by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale at the Rome Città Educativa di Roma during the " Youth Enterprise and Digital Craftsmanship" workshop held by Alfonso Molina for Education Day.
The FMD will host over 18 workshops, including coding, making and gaming, in the Kids&Young Area for primary and secondary school students. Robotics fans will be able to see the exhibition and demos of Soccer and Rescue robots organized by the World Robotics Champions from RoboCup Junior 2014, which was held in Brasil.
The soccer games will take place on a pitch designed and developed in the Phyrtual Innovation Gym Fab Lab. Participants and visitors will also be able to see new prototypes that student teams are preparing for “RomeCup 2015. Excellence in Robotics in Rome: from Domotics to Artificial Intelligence.”
Participating schools include: Liceo Democrito, Rome; Liceo Pepe, Ostuni (BR); Itis Fermi, Rome; Itis Volta, Frosinone; Itis Archimede, Catania.
The Fondazione Mondo Digitale will also be present in the Fab Lab Area with the activities it inaugurated six months ago at the Phyrtual Innovation Gym Fab Lab.
The Sartoria Borghetti and students from the “Fashion and Design” Course at the Istruzione secondaria uperior A. Diaz School in Rome, will present their new Phyrtual fashion line: clothes that mould traditional tailoring, youthful ideas and maker technological innovation.