“In this delicate moment, as we return to our activities, we have to focus on active labour policies, on a constant and proactive effort to help those looking for a job or professional reinsertion. And this is why I’m happy that Rome is a pilot city for this the Microsoft national #DigitalRestart programme that is held in collaboration with the Fondazione Mondo Digitale”.
This is a statement published by Rome Mayor Virginia Raggi on her Facebook Page, when the project was launched [see news: #DigitalRestart Kicks Off].
Today, following the summer break, “the educational project aiming to develop the digital competences that are highest in demand by the labour market and dedicated to Work Orientation Centre (COL) employees, who try to help individuals find work every day [starts again]. COL activities address all citizens: unemployed, traineeships, convicts and former convicts interested in professional reinsertion, as well as all those who wish to go independent and start their own enterprise.”[see (in Italian): Centri di orientamento al lavoro].
There will be four educational sessions in September:
14.09 9:00-11:00 | Digital Tools and Social Media Services, Citizen Information and Internal/External Communications: Be Smart Be Safe | Coach Lara Forgione
22.09 9:00-11:00 | Digital Tools and Social Media Services, Citizen Information and Internal/External Communications: Digital Strategies for Employment
25.09 9:00-11:00 | Digital Tools and Social Media Services, Citizen Information and Internal/External Communications: Social Media
28.09 9:00-12:00 | Digital Tools and Social Media Services... Social Media for Professional Use. And a “look” at what comes after …