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#DigitalRestart Kicks Off

#DigitalRestart Kicks Off

#DigitalRestart Kicks Off

The Work Orientation Centres (COL) in Rome open up to new digital competences as part of Programme Ambizione Italia #DigitalRestart, conceived by Microsoft and developed in collaboration with the Fondazione Mondo Digitale, a foundation supported by the Rome Council [see Microsoft presents a plan to help 25 million peple around the world to find a job through digital skills (in Italian)].


The focus of the project, which involves various company areas, including LinkedIn and GitHub, is the use of the most popular digital tools for work and technology such as big data and analytics. The aim is to employ technology to identify the best market competences, profile curricula and professional opportunities, and acquire notions on advanced research tools for job search.


“The City of Rome introduces #DigitalRestart to Italy, a national digital education programme that will kick off in work orientation centres (COLs). An extra thrust for our employees helping citizens to find work, who will now be able to enjoy new competences for the job market. We are working on active labour policy, especially in our current situation, in a period where many individuals are looking for professional opportunities,” explains Rome Mayor Virginia Raggi [see news on Rome Council website: Al via #DigitalRestart, programma di formazione nei Centri Orientamento al Lavoro (in Italian)].


Programme testing began in June and includes the updating of professional digital skills for employees in the work orientation centres (COLs). Subsequently, the course will address a wider range of targets with ad hoc curricula for users with little schooling, unemployed individuals and individuals without steady employment. In fact, as part of the integrated network for employment services, COL activities address all citizens: the unemployed, trainees, inmates and former inmates interested in professional reintegration, but also aspiring entrepreneurs that are helped to define their business ideas, conduct a market analysis, and identify funding for starting an enterprise.


“Education and digitalisation are fundamental requisites for individuals looking for employment. Therefore, the involvement of COLs in this initiative is key to increasing skill levels. I would personally like to thank Microsoft and the Fondazione Mondo Digitale for helping Rome move towards the necessary digital transformation of labour policy,” adds Carlo Cafarotti, Rome Councillor for Economic Development, Tourism and Labour.


"In this period of emergency, the power of technology has proved its full force. The only squares that we can occupy are digital ones on the web. However, we require skills and competences to present ourselves on the digital job market and create winning and successful profiles,” explains Mirta Michilli, Director General of the Fondazione Mondo Digitale. “We are certain that only strategic alliances between public, private and non-profit organisations can accelerate the recovery and provide a strong signal to our youth.”


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