Project Easy Nettuno is the result of two school-work programmes held at the Phyrtual Innovation Gym. ITSSET Emanuela Loi from is one of the four schools in the Lazio Region who qualified for the Digital School Prize, 2018#FutureIsNow, promoted by the Italian Ministry of Educaiton, University and Research in collaboration with IIS “Luigi Einaudi” (see news: #Futureisnow on the school site).
The “Easy Nettuno” Prototype, an interactive apps that allows users to learn about Nettuno, was conceived by Professors Elena Maria Brachetti and Stefano Cristofani and developed by students in Classes 4A and 4B attending the Business Computer Systems n the Rome Phyrtual Innovation Gym (see news: Infopoint in Nettuno).
In this video, produced by Giorgia Di Tommaso, students explain how the app works.