Every Friday, grandparents in Trieste attend courses at school thanks to Project “Grandparents On-line. Everyone’s Young at the Post Office,” promoted by Poste Italiane and the Fondazione Mondo Digitale. They meet two hour a week with students at the downtown ITS Volta School to learn to use computers, both on- and off-line.
In Friuli Venezia Giulia, the Italian Region with the highest number of pensioners (according to estimates by Il Sole 24 ore), Elio and Benita, 80 years old, are the eldest in the class [see news: Grandparents On-line in Trieste]. The class of over-65s includes former railway workers, surveyors and restaurateurs, and they all want to learn the language and secrets of technology.
Mrs Cecilia Ruaro (76), tutored by sixteen year-old Samuele, was a kindergarten teacher. Now she is taking her first steps in e-mail management and web surfing. She sent us a digital postcard to recommend visiting Australia, a magical place. “If all my family moved there, I’d be happy to live in Sydney,” she confesses.