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The Digital Life Challenge

The Digital Life Challenge

The Digital Life Challenge

Today, at 3 pm, Anitec-Assinform, the Confindustria ICT Association, will open its Milan offices to managers, professors, students and families for the “Digitale on the Ring. The event has been organized for the Milan Digital Week, the initiative promoted by the Milan Council and the Digital Transformation and Civic Services Councillorship with Cariplo Factory, Interactive Advertising Bureau (Iab), Hublab and Meet.


Promoted by the association’s “Skills for Entrepreneurial Growth” Work Group, the event will hold a series of “rounds” on the challenges post by digital life. The debate will be moderated by Maria Rita Fiasco and Cristiano Radaelli.


Alfonso Molina, Scientific Director of the Fondazione Mondo Digitale, will participate in the round on "Millennials & G-Zen" and the daily lives of the new generations. This round will also host AlmavivA, Exprivia|Italtel, Facilitylive, IBM Italia, Samsung Electronics Italia, Umana, Fondazione TIM, InnovaFiducia, ITS Angelo Rizzoli, IIS Falcone-Righi, students and teachers.


Cecilia Stajano [@CStajano], School Innovation Manager for the Fondazione Mondo Digitale, and five Coding Girls, will participate in the "Stem & Girls" Round on the promotion of technical-scientific and maathematical subjects (STEM) amongst young women.  This round will also host AlmavivA, Cisco, Italia, FacilityLive, IBM Italia, Assolombarda, ISS Evangelista Torricelli.


The Coding Girls, young women studying at IIS G. Feltrinelli in Milan, are Jolanda ChieraMartina ColomboAlessia LottaElisa Vistarini and Naomi Trapani. Tjhey will be accompanied by Professor Lucia Maria Consiglio.


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