More than one out of every two families doesn’t know how to use the web. Although two-thirds of Italian families have a broadband connection (64.4%), there is still a wide margin of improvement for the diffusion and use of the web. Most of the families who do not have Internet access at home, declare that they do not use the web because of their lack of skills (56.3%) and nearly one fourth (24.5%) does not consider the Internet a useful and interesting tool.
This is what emerges from the ISTAT Report on "Citizens, Enterprise and ICT" (December 2015), which underlines how the marked digital gap that still exists between families is due to generational, cultural and social factors. The families that make the most use of the Internet have at least one minor and 88.3% of these have a broadband connection (ADSL, DSL, FIBRE or a mobile/fixed combination). The least connected families are those composed only of over-65s with only 18% having a broadband connection.
Youth, which are often referred to as “digital natives,” can play a fundamental role as facilitators, even outside of the family. For two weeks, the protagonists of Grandparents On-line will man 30 Digital Desks to help others who do not know how to access and take advantage of on-line services.
Thirty schools participate in this initiative. Each school will help to citizens who have practical problems with their devices, such as downloading the Post Office app or using a QRCode with BancoPosta, as well as quick courses on specific subjects (access to information, on-line payments, etc.). [See news Everyone On-line with Grandparents].
Today, May 1, Digital Desks will be open at the following schools:
ITCG Crescenzi-Pacinotti
10.00 - 12.00 am
LSS Belfiore
3.00 - 4.00 pm
IIS Podesti Onesti
2.30 - 4.30 pm
IPSIA A. Castigliano
2.00 - 4.00 pm
LSS B.Croce
2.30 - 4.30 pm
Photo Gallery: Digital Desks in 30 Schools