Following the success of the previous editions, it’s time for a new edition of “Amongst Generations. United for Work.” This year, the project developed by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale and CNA Pensionati, brings Facebook Italy on board, too, to train adults on new technology and young men and women about new job opportunities. The intergenerational learning formula will involve 8 schools in 4 Italian regions: Lombardy, Umbria, Marche and Puglia.
School students, acting as digital facilitators, will help introduce CNA to technology and the Internet. The craftsmen will share the passion and knowledge for their trades and work to re-interpret them digitally.
The press conference will be held on February 6, 11 am at IIS Fermi-Sacconi-Ceci in Ascoli Piceno (Via della Repubblica 31/a).
Speakers (in alphabetical order):
•Francesco Balloni, Director, CNA Ascoli Piceno
•Laura Bononcini, Head of Public Policy, Facebook Italia
•Anna Casini, Deputy President, Regione Marche
•Guido Castelli, Mayor, Ascoli Piceno
•Giovanni Giungi, President, CNA Pensionati Nazionale
•Mirta Michilli, Director General, Fondazione Mondo Digitale
•Patrizia Palanca, Head Mistress, IIS Fermi – Sacconi – Ceci
•Ilario Persiani, President, CNA Pensionati Marche and Deputy President, CNA Pensionati National
•Beatrice Tragni, National Secretary, CNA Pensionati
Students and over-65s will also participate to share their experiences with the project.