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Digital Civil Service Call Opens

apprendimento intergenerazionale

Digital Civil Service Call Opens

Digital Civil Service Call Opens

Candidates aged 18 to 28 may apply

The Digital Civil Service Call is officially looking for volunteers. The title of our project is è-semplice… ecity... etuttaroma (It’s simple… ecity … and all of Rome).

Application requisites

  • Age: 18 to 28
  • No criminal record
  • Not in the military or police force

Applicants may be Italian citizens, EU citizens, or non-EU citizens officially residing in Italy.

All applications must be submitted on-line through the DOL Platform (via computer, tablet or smartphone) by 2:00 pm, September 28, 2023. 

In order to access the on-line application form, candidates must register on the DOL Platform. Italian citizens, residing in Italy or abroad, must access the system with the public digital identity system (SPID).


For further information on SPID, how to request it and what services it provides, please visit:
Agenzia per l’Italia Digitale.

Aspiring volunteers can only present one application for each project and seat.

Monthly retribution for the service is currently 507.30 euro.

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