2 min.
The first public event for the presentation of the Guidelines – Strategic and Operative Indications for the National Programme for Culture, Training and Digital Competences Indicazioni strategiche e operative del Programma nazionale per la cultura, la formazione e le competenze digitali will be presented on Thursday, April 10 at the AgID office (Rome, Via Liszt 21)
The Fondazione Mondo Digitale is showcased amongst the most significant experiences promoted by non-governmental agencies (associations and foundations): “in particular, for the Grandparents on the Internet, Life Education, Innovation Gym and for the digital skills training courses held in welcome centres ."
The Guidelines are a document in progress. The first version will be discussed with all the involved actors and the audience at large. Participants include major representatives of national and local public institutions responsible for implementing the Italian Digital Agenda.
The event will be streamed live at www.streaming.formez.it.
The programme includes a plenary session in the morning and workshops in different areas in the afternoon on the various guideline areas:
• Basic competences
• Professional competences
• E-leadership competences
• Public administration digital competences
The Fondazione Mondo Digitale will participate with Cecilia Stajano (Innovation in Schools) in the workgroup on Basic competences.
All materials will be available on the AgID website.