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“Didattiche” Conference 2020

“Didattiche” Conference 2020

“Didattiche” Conference 2020

The keywords of the third edition of the Didattiche Conference promoted by the Centro Studi Erickson are transgress, connect and transform. The two-day event on schools will be held in Rimini on November 13-14, 2020.


Key Words

  • Transgress - to remain authentic and faithful to the deepest educational commitment, innovating teachers do not hesitate to break unfair rules and courageously face the consequences in the spirit of civil disobedience;
  • Connect - to overcome with the boundaries that daily school life imposes on us, step beyond our comfort zones, overcome boundaries between subjects, traditional roles and social differences to bring together different worlds that do not normally communicate with each other;
  • Transform - a truly innovative an inclusive school transforms the daily life of those who attend it, extending opportunities, increasing happiness and improving everyone's learning processes. transforming schools means transforming reality. 


Until March 31, you can register at a reduced rate (€185 instead of €250) and preview a custom-tailored programme.

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