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Developing the Self

Developing the Self

Developing the Self

“The lab with the Lego® Serious Play® methodology that involved preadolescents at the Madre Teresa di Calcutta hub school in Milan was extraordinary," explains Cecilia Stajano [@CStajano], Welfare Community Manager at the Fondazione Mondo Digitale. “The students gave free reign to their fantasies, creating complex and narratively efficient structures. Notwithstanding their young age, they accepted to use their beloved construction bricks in a different way to create objects that represent their life experiences to share with the class. The students described the guided use of the Lego bricks that allowed them to freely express their sentiments, desires, fears and needs.”


Last week at the OpenSpace Project hub school, Cecilia Stajano also held a shared design session for faculty who “fully grasped the potential of LSP and understood its various didactic applications.”


The professors also revealed that the students are often very distracted and exuberant in class, but the activities with Lego proved they could concentrate on a task, concentrate and come up with ideas and stories.


“They found a serene way to release experiences and feelings that often do not emerge easily, or remain hidden and masked, not allowing adults to address their potential, talents and virtues,” concludes Cecilia Stajano.




Project  "OpenSPACE – Active Participation Spaces for the Educational Community" allows selected by Con i Bambini as part of the Fund to contrast the educational poverty of minors (Adolescence Call), is a four-year project to make communities inclusive and responsible for promoting the educational and cultural growth, as well as to empower pre-adolescents and adolescents. The project is implemented in suburban areas of Bari, Milan, Palermo and Reggio Calabria.

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