2 min.
Last Saturday, at the Phyrtual Innovation Gym, the Fondazione Mondo Digitale held the last Disabuse module on “How to React and Contrast Bullying.” Twenty-seven participants attended, including young men and women with special educational needs and 12 teaches, coaches and psychologists from:
- Liceo Edoardo Amaldi - Rome
- “Rifornimento in Volo” Social Cooperative
- IIS Piaget-Diaz - Rome
- Nostos Social Cooperative - Rome
- IIS Antonio Magarotto - Rome
- Liceo Dante Alighieri - Rome
The Fondazione Mondo Digitale coaches directed the reflection by using materials developed together with project partners and Lego® Serious Play® and MTA learning tools.
Here are some of the shared strategies that emerged to develop resilience and contrast bullying:
- Learn to evaluate what you can offer others. Ideally, we should be capable of viewing the challenges of bullying not as a reflection of who we are, but rather as a reflection of the choices of bullies;
- Learn to stay calm when you feel ready to fall apart emotionally or aggressively. Learn to recognise your sentiments and reactions and give them a name;
- Brainstorming possible solutions to negative situations and events can help solve issues without fear of failure;
- Concentrating on the future help you stay optimistic and overcome difficult situations. Thinking about your objectives and how to achieve them will help you proceed even when facing difficult situations;
- Accepting challenges and trying new things helps to build-up self-esteem;
- Immediately solving problems without ignoring them; in fact, speaking about them provides meaning to experiences and redefines situations as learning opportunities.