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The Data Women

The Data Women

The Data Women

“Recently, during the pandemic, digital information has substituted true people, representing various aspects: from economics to health. Content has long been defined as “King” by Bill Gates and this is probably still true. However, there also is another theory: “Data is King.” And why not “Data is Queen”? According to a report by the Boston Consulting Group, it is very clear: something is keeping women away from data science.”


The last issue of the La Repubblica “D” magazine dedicated an article to gender issues in data analysis. The article by Caterina Zita ("Chi dice donna non dice data” - in Italian) analyses the reasons behind this gender gap.


“In order for machine learning and deep learning – which work through the organisation and use of data – to become a precious resource, it is fundamental to study a large number of brains. Which factors lead to the exclusion of women from data science? [...] Lack of knowledge on the subject, judgement based on false facts and images, as well as a very theoretical, unpractical idea of the profession. One that is too competitive and not publicised at universities” [see (in Italian): Ma i Big data non piacciono alle ragazze?].


However, things are chaging … Just a few weeks ago, we reported on the story of women in Project CO.ME. - COde&FraME. At ENI, for example, Data is Queen ...


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