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Da Vinci’s 35 Refugees

Da Vinci’s 35 Refugees

Da Vinci’s 35 Refugees

"Opening the doors of school represents true integration.” Irene De Angelis Curtis, Headmistress at IIS Leonardo da Vinci in Rome, has no doubts: "It’s the best way to demonstrate how well our schools work!"


In this short interview with Rosy D'Elia [@Rosy_FMDigitale], the Headmistress explains the educational and social value of the project.



IIS Leonardo Da Vinci is one of the schools participating in Project Co-Host, financed by Microsoft Philanthrophies. On April, 6, 35 refugees from 3 centres for the protection of asylum seekers and refugees (SPRARs) spent a day at school with the students acting as special tutors [see news: Welcoming School].


Through Project Co-Host, financed by Microsoft Philanthrophies, the Fondazione Mondo Digitale addresses, once again, the issues of the functional and digital literacy and integration of foreign nationals through the third reception formula. Schools are transformed into hubs for the education and integration of immigrants and refugees through the practice and development of digital, linguistic and civic competences.

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