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The Creativity of Women

The Creativity of Women

The Creativity of Women

"[...] the algorithms that we are developing to design the future require the talent, genius, passion and creativity of women … They require a female experience to be truly complete from the multidimensional perspective that is necessary to face the challenges of complexity and sustainable development. And this is why it is important to promote courses for families, young children, young men and women, and activate a process of cultural change, that we, as the government, have accepted as one of our major commitments thanks to the PNRR strategy for gender equality and action.


This is the message that Minister Elena Bonetti has sent out to all the parents participating in Generations On-line, a cycle of meetings promoted as part of Project CS First, to address the great challenges of digital life and orient young men and women towards scientific careers without any form of gender prejudice.



Thanks to Project  Computer Science First,  the Fondazione Mondo Digitale promotes this free platform created by Google in schools to promote the development of computational thinking and soft skills in a fun and exciting manner, integrating core didactic activities with more efficient methodologies.

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