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A Contribution by Factor J

A Contribution by Factor J

A Contribution by Factor J

Today (Nov. 5), after the initial phase of the Health System Forum - Forum del Sistema Salute 2020 that was held in October in Florence, the second Reloaded phase will present the results, proposals and ideas developed in the first two days on how to change the Italian health system in view of the coronavirus emergency


The issues addressed in the “Main Studio” will include school and education. At 10:05, Loredana Bergamini, Medical Director of Janssen Italy, will be interviewed by Lorella Bertoglio on the contribution of Project Factor J: Empathy, Respect and Inclsuion. You will need to register to watch the event.



Factor J, promoted by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale with Janssen Italia, is the first Italian school curriculum for educating students to develop emotional intelligence, respect and empathy towards individuals suffering from unease of disease. This is an important social operation to stimulate a change in mentality and culture in the new generations.

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