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A Contagious Story

A Contagious Story

A Contagious Story

Today, we would like to share a story told to us by Catia Santini, a digital coach at the Liceo Giordano Bruno in Turin, one of the schools involved in Project Coding Girls, but which involves the entire Equipe Formativa Piemonte. We inserted this amongst the contributions we collected last Friday for the #ltaliachiamò marathon as an example of school that connects notwithstanding the need to #stayathome (#iorestoacasa). However, it’s not just about the story. What really stands out is the development, over a very short period of time, of a protocol and guidelines (including operational ones) for distance learning.  



The video is the audio narration of a very contagious story, a viral project launched by two lyceums in Turin during the first days of the coronavirus emergency.

In just three days, the schools developed a protocol for on-line didactics that involved everyone – teachers, students, parents and ATA personnel – in an extraordinary adventure to help school overcome the barriers posed by closed classrooms.

Now, six schools and 192 teachers are involved in distance learning support and didactic forums.

This is an extraordinary story of two normal schools, committed teachers, courageous administrators and students who are learning not to give up and accept challenges. This is what smart is all about.



Equipe Formativa Piemonte

Organised by Catia Santini, Didactic Coordinator, Liceo Giordano Bruno di Torino, and EFT Piemonte #PNSD in collaboration with Mariangela Tomba, Didactic Coordinator Liceo Massimo D’Azeglio, Turin.

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