Unlike other countries that have experienced immigration for many years, Italian schools have only been facing this challenge for the last twenty. Foreign students, who today represent more than 9% of all students, introduce schools to different religions and cultures.
This increase in cultural diversity has led to the development of a range of local initiatives, strategies, projects and actions, which, however, are often not supported by adequate resources to promote professional updating courses and pedagogic methods and contents in an intercultural key. Nonetheless, our traditionally inclusive education reaps a value out of this diversity.
The objective of Project ACCORD - Attain Cultural Integration through COnflict Resolution skill Development is to develop innovative educational tools, based on new technologies and games, to promote communication models based on conflict recognition and positive resolution.
Today and tomorrow (March 5-6), the University of Barcelona, a project partner, will host the third project meeting. And part of the session will also be open to stakeholders.
Each partner will present their research results on the state of the art and requirements of teachers and educators for the management of intercultural conflict.
Project Manager Annaleda Mazzucato [@AnnaledaM] will participate on behalf of the Fondazione Mondo Digitale.
For further information:
Annaleda Mazzucato
Tel. +39 06 42014109 (ext. 208)
E-mail: a.mazzucato@mondodigitale.org