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A Competent Italy


A Competent Italy

A Competent Italy



The Sunday supplement dedicated to innovation includes an interview by technology journalist Alessandro Longo with Nello Iacono who coordinates the “Basic Digital Competences” work team for the National Agenzia per l'Italia digitale Programme.
"Italian experiences are plentiful and present an excellent standard. Some have been implemented as part of MIUR projects Cl@assi 2.0 and Scuola 2.0, others as projects promoted by school networks and associations (including, for example, DSchola by CSP Piemonte, the ImparaDigitale Centre, the CoderDojo Network and the CTSS Bassano del Grappa Schools Network and the Fondazione Mondo Digitale Innovation Gym)," explains Nello Iacono, who coordinates the “Basic Digital Competences” work team for the national programme. "There are many initiatives that now need to be recognised to implement the national strategy. This is a line that we will develop over the coming months together with the help of all the involved actors and aim to transform the programme into a coordination and knowledge management platform.”



Italy gets serious with a much-needed national strategy to develop the population’s digital skills.
Nòva24, Il Sole 24 Ore, 20 April 2014


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