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Community Plan in Municipio VII

Peer Sharing contro le discriminazioni razziali

Community Plan in Municipio VII

Community Plan in Municipio VII

Peer Sharing: four work tables coming up

“Often, in class, we call a classmate Kebabbaro because of his origins... but I never thought it was offensive.”

“They ask me to touch my hair because I'm black, I'm not in a shop window!”

“ knew the story of Nelson Mandela. I didn't know that he had spent so many years in prison to defend his idea even at the expense of freedom.”

These are just a few of the comments that emerged from the afternoon of reflection for the young students from B-Side who on March 26th discussed stereotypes linked to skin colour and culture of origin, after watching the documentary "Mandela Dance" (about 20 minutes ) produced by the Benny Nato Documentation Centre. The meeting was part of the initiatives promoted by ForumSad with the Project Peer Sharing for the Week against Racial Discrimination [see news: Making an Educational Community].

The next appointment is Wednesday, April 10 at Villa Lazzaroni (4-7 pm). Project Peer Sharing partner organizations and the citizens of Rome’s 7th District, especially teachers and parents, will set up co-planning tables on emerging needs and operational tools. The title of the meeting to present the Community Plan is “Peer Sharing: Creating an Educational Community.”

Work Tables

1. Families with a migratory background: inclusion of minorities

2. Psycho-social well-being and aggregation: inclusive events for citizens

3. Youth participation and activism: digital literacy - countering phenomena such as individualization and isolation

4. School and community: coordination of the initiatives by subjects in the network, support for bottom-up participatory planning.

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