Free lessons continue as part of the School of Internet for Everyone, the largest on-line education drive every dedicated to individuals who wish to learn more about digital tools for everyday life.
During the course of this week, 12 courses were activated, involving 360 citizens. Nearly 200 participants are enrolled in Genoa’s University for Elders. Other courses are reserved for the “Casa del Musical” in Agrigento, the “Erga Omnes” Association in Chieti and teachers in “Ambito 26.”
In order to raise the awareness of citizens on the importance of lifelong learning, we are activating a network of local coordinators to create a community and bring community holders together to work for the general good. Together we can drive the human capital.
Public and private organisations that wish to reserve courses for their users should send an e-mail to or contact their local coordinators, who will be presented shortly. We will tell you about them and what they are doing to help us make the School of Internet for Everyone a reality. And we have also created a Facebook Group ...
The project is promoted by TIM in collaboration with the Fondazione Mondo Digitale as part of Programme Operation Digital Risorgimento.
Complete the online module. Choose the day and time and access your free course. You will learn to:
- Configure and optimise your devices
- Securely make digital payments
- Use the digital services provided by the public administration and national health system