SubUrb View: events in Milan and Rome with students and digital artistsi
Public art meets social innovation thanks to SubUrb View, a project promoted in collaboration with Urban Vision. On April 3rd, simultaneously in Milan and Rome, students and digital artists will present original works that transform the urban landscape into a participatory art canvas.
In Milan, at the Galilei-Luxemburg Institute, students worked with artist Umberto Nicoletti to develop a Billboard Art installation, combining visual language and social messages. The event, moderated by Cecilia Stajano of Fondazione Mondo Digitale, hosts experts in the field, representatives of Urban Vision and the Municipality of Milan.
At the same time, in Rome, students from the IIS Carlo Urbani in Ostia present their project, created with the artist Giacomo Lion. The meeting, moderated by Onelia Onorati, sees the participation of experts from the artistic and institutional world.
The Milanese event of SubUrb View is part of Milano ArtWeek, emphasizing the role of public art as a tool for dialogue and social change. The events are an opportunity to reflect on how collective creativity can reclaim urban space and transform it into a place of expression and active participation.
When: April 3, 2025, 11:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
- Galilei-Luxemburg, via degli Ulivi 6, Milan
- Carlo Urbani, via dell'Idroscalo 88, Rome
How are the students preparing for the double event?
“Last Monday, Urban Vision employees met with fourth-year graphic design and communications students from the Carlo Urbani high school in Ostia,” says project officer Miriam Pintore. ”During the meeting, Urban Vision professionals presented the company and explained the professional profiles they are looking for. Afterwards, one of the students, Federico, took part in a mock interview with a Talent Acquisition manager from the company. Then Giacomo Lion, a digital artist involved in the project, presented the students' work. The class, divided into three groups, is developing an interactive map to promote three significant places in their neighborhood: Pietro Rosa Park, the port and a bridge. The Urban Vision employees were impressed by the students' level of preparation”.